Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Love Surrounds Us: A Program on the UU Principles and Beloved Community for Grades K-1

Alternate Activity 1: What's in a Name?

Activity time: 10 minutes

Preparation for Activity

  • Find out about your congregation's use of the names of historical figures. There may be rooms in your congregational building named after local or national figures, or your congregation itself may have been named after someone. Collect information on those historical figures and learn the stories behind the congregation's name and its room names.

Description of Activity

This activity introduces the history of your congregation along with brief biographies of historical figures important to our heritage.

Gather participants and tell them the history behind each name or room that you researched. Then, lead a discussion with these questions:

  • Why do we name rooms after people?
  • If you could have named our congregation, what would you have called it?
  • Would you like a room or some other place named after you one hundred years from now? What would the place be? (A park, a church, a school, a lake?)