Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Love Surrounds Us: A Program on the UU Principles and Beloved Community for Grades K-1

Activity 2: Story, Nathaniel Takes a Ride

Activity time: 5 minutes

"Nathaniel Takes a Ride" Illustration by Paul Gray

Download a coloring sheet (PDF) for "Nathaniel Takes a Ride."

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Practice reading the story aloud.
  • Optional: Download, print, and copy the coloring sheet (PDF). Place coloring sheets and crayons where children can use them when invited but will not be distracted beforehand.

Description of Activity

Gather participants to hear the story. Explain that this story takes place when there were no cars, trains, or airplanes. People had to travel by horse, by boat, or on foot. It would take several days to get from one town to another.

Tell the story. Then, process with these questions:

  • Would any of you want to do what Nathaniel did?
  • Have you ever done something you really didn't want to do, because someone else asked you to?
  • Have you ever done something because you felt it was the right thing to do, instead of because you wanted to do it?
  • What could have happened if people like Nathaniel did not travel and preach in so many of the states in the 1800s? Do you think as many people would have heard about Universalism?

Conclude by affirming:

Universalism gave people a message of love and hope. Many people welcomed the idea that they are loved by God no matter what.