Alternate Activity 3: Ritual Collage
Part of Love Surrounds Us, Grades K-1
Activity time: 30 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Large pieces of construction paper in various colors
- Magazines, newspapers, greeting cards, and calendars with pictures to cut up
- Scissors, including left-handed scissors, and glue sticks
Preparation for Activity
- Gather old magazines and greeting cards and outdated calendars that have pictures children can cut out. Find a variety of subjects.
- Set out materials at work tables so all participants will have access to the magazines, etc., scissors, and glue sticks.
Description of Activity
Invite participants to make a collage or a series of pictures that represents a ritual in their life-for instance, their morning routine, setting the table, or how they feed their pet.
Ask each child to choose a sheet of construction paper. Then invite them to search the printed media for pictures to cut out that relate to the ritual they want to show and then glue them, in order, on the construction paper to illustrate their ritual. When they are finished, invite participants to share their ritual with the group. Invite them to talk about the art they made, prompting with these questions:
- When does this ritual take place? Where?
- Who takes part?
- Why is this ritual important to you?
Including All Participants
If participants are unable to cut pictures, ask a co-leader to help them. If any participants finish well before others, invite them to help younger participants complete their pictures.