Faith In Action: Respectful Words and Hands Posters
Part of Love Surrounds Us, Grades K-1
Activity time: 30 minutes
Materials for Activity
- 11x17-inch drawing paper
- Poster captions on card stock or sticker paper
- A variety of crayons and/or color markers
- Glue
- Poster-mounting squares or tape
Preparation for Activity
- Create these poster captions, either by printing them off the computer on card stock or writing them on sticker paper: Hands Are Made for Caring, Hands Do Not Hit, Hands Can Help Others, Use Words That Help, Use Words That Heal, Use Words That Show Respect.
- Set crayons/markers at work tables.
Description of Activity
Children design posters with positive themes and respectful words.
Distribute sheets of paper. If you have prepared the words on stickers, help participants stick the words across the bottom of the large papers. If the words are on card stock, help participants glue them on. Each participant can make several posters.
Read the words on the posters to participants. Talk with each participant about their ideas before they color.
After posters are illustrated, meet as a large group and process the activity using these questions:
- Why is it important for our hands to be used in positive ways?
- How will the posters help others learn about respectful words and actions?
- How will the posters help you remember respectful words and actions?
When posters are finished, walk around the congregation or neighborhood and put up the posters. Find appropriate places to display them, such as community bulletin boards found in grocery stores and libraries.
Including All Participants
Adapt coloring tools to the age of the children. If the children are very young use large crayons. Older children can handle color pencils and markers.