Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Love Surrounds Us: A Program on the UU Principles and Beloved Community for Grades K-1

Alternate Activity 2: Song, Peace Surrounds Us

Activity time: 10 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Print out the leader resource and learn the song, sung to the tune of "Jesus Loves Me, This I Know." If the group has not learned "Love Surrounds Me," familiarize yourself with the teaching method described on the leader resource.

Description of Activity

This activity will reinforce that both peace and love surround us.

Gather the participants and ask if they remember the "Love Surrounds Me" song (Session 1). Sing "Love Surrounds Me" one time.

Explain that as we talk about the sixth Principle we have learned that all people need peace, fairness, and freedom need to be available to all people. Remind them that as Unitarian Universalists, we work toward a world that has peace, fairness, and freedom for everyone.

Now lead the children to sing the song again, substituting the word peace:

Peace surrounds us this I know

For my spirit tells me so

All of us to peace belong

Fill our hearts and make us strong.

Yes, peace surrounds us

Yes, peace surrounds us.

Yes, peace surrounds us,

My spirit tells me so.

After singing, ask the children:

  • How does your spirit tell you that peace surrounds you?
  • Why it is important as a Unitarian Universalist to surround others in peace, fairness, and freedom?