Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Love Surrounds Us: A Program on the UU Principles and Beloved Community for Grades K-1

Alternate Activity 2: Charm Bracelet

Activity time: 20 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Index cards, scissors, and one-hole punch
  • Colored paper clips, small size
  • Newspapers or magazines with a variety of pictures and words to cut up, scissors (including left-handed scissors), and glue sticks

Preparation for Activity

  • Cut index cards into shapes such as circles, squares, triangles, and diamonds. Make shapes no more than one and a half inches in diameter. Punch one hole at the top of each shape. Make enough shapes for each participant to have at least five "charms."
  • Set materials for all participants to reach.

Description of Activity

Participants make charm bracelets to wear that represent their gifts and talents.

Invite participants to link clips together to make a bracelet around their wrist that is not tight, but will not fall off their hand. They can use one color or a combination of colors. Then, ask them to find and cut out pictures and words in magazines that describe their gifts and talents. The pictures need to be small enough to fit on the index card "charms." Help the children glue their pictures and words to the shapes, with a different picture or word on each side. They may choose to put a picture on one side and a word on the other side. Show them how to attach a paper clip to a finished charm and then attach the charm to the bracelet.

If you have time, gather the group and invite volunteers to share what is on their charm bracelets and how it describes them.

Including All Participants

Be ready to help participants with the paper clips and/or cutting and gluing the pictures.

When you share, allow participants to pass.