Alternate Activity 2: Love Is...
Part of Love Surrounds Us
Activity time: 15 minutes
Materials for Activity
- 11x17-inch paper for all participants
- Books with photographs of people
- A variety of crayons and/or color markers
Preparation for Activity
- Obtain a variety of books with photographs that show people from all parts of the world.
- Write "Love Is... " across a sheet of paper for each participant.
Description of Activity
Participants will identify a worldwide community and opportunities for love. Show pictures of people from all parts of the world. Discuss with participants how you can tell that people are surrounded in love. Emphasize facial expressions and body language. Pass out paper and crayons/markers and invite children to illustrate their completion of the statement, "Love is... "
Provide an opportunity for participants to share their illustrations.
Including All Participants
A child who is unable to draw on their own can dictate words to you. Write the words "_________ (child's name) says" above "Love is..." and then write what the child tells you.