Welcoming and Entering
Part of Love Surrounds Us, Grades K-1
Materials for Activity
- Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED/battery-operated candle
- A multicolored cloth to cover centering table
- Ribbon sticks or wrist ribbons in a container (See Opening)
- Permanent markers
- List of participants
Preparation for Activity
- Arrange a small centering or worship table with multicolored cloth and chalice.
- Place ribbons sticks (or wrist ribbons) in their container by the door.
Description of Activity
Welcome each child as they enter. Help them find a ribbon stick or wrist ribbon and write their name on it. Ask them to sit in the large group area and hold their ribbons carefully. While they are waiting, invite them to look at each color and name it or turn to a friend and match the colors on their two ribbon sticks.
Including All Participants
When participants are new or arrive late, be sure to include them. Give each new child or visitor a ribbon stick and write their name on it.