Alternate Activity 4: Golden Rule Pledge Stars
Part of Love Will Guide Us, Grades 2-3
Activity time: 10 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Handout 1, Golden Rule Pledge Star
- Scissors to share
- Pencils or pens
- Optional: Glue sticks
Preparation for Activity
- Copy the handout for all participants.
- Optional: Cut out the Golden Rule Pledge Stars in advance.
Description of Activity
Participants choose a way their behavior can be guided by love as the Golden Rule. They make a specific promise and state it in brief words on a Pledge Star.
Invite the children to brainstorm ways they can act that reflect love as the Golden Rule. Prompt with questions such as:
- I wonder what sorts of things we do when we are acting in a way that is loving?
- I wonder how we treat one another when we are guided by love? At home? With our friends? At school?
- I wonder what sorts of promises you could make if you were following the Golden Rule of love?
Hand out the stars and pencils/markers. Invite each child to cut out the star, if needed, and then write or draw a picture of a promise they want to make-an action they will do which is a way to follow love as the Golden Rule.
If children did Activity 3, distribute glue sticks. Encourage the children to add the Golden Rule Pledge Star to their Take-Home Night Sky Display.
Including All Participants
Children may have a wide range of writing abilities. Include all children by writing key words on newsprint for the children to reference, offering the option to draw a promise, or suggesting a child dictate their promise for you to write on the star.