Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Love Will Guide Us: A Program for Grades 2-3 that Applies the Wisdom of the Six Sources to the Big Questions

Alternate Activity 4: Thanksgiving Collage

Activity time: 20 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Poster board (enough to cut a piece approximately 12 inches square for each participant)
  • Magazines and catalogues, especially of nature scenes and natural objects
  • Scissors (including left-handed scissors) and glue

Preparation for Activity

  • Gather magazines and catalogues children can cut up for pictures.
  • Cut an approximately 12-inch square piece of poster board for each participant.
  • Set magazines (or cut-out pictures), scissors, and glue on work tables.
  • Optional: To save time and to assist participants who lack fine motor skills, cut out a variety of images in advance.

Description of Activity

Participants explore gratitude, using a hands-on art approach. You may wish to use this activity to balance, or replace, a more discussion-oriented core session activity.

Invite the children to look through the images and cut out (or select) those which represent things they are grateful for, with an emphasis on nature. Give every child a sheet of poster board and invite them to attach images to their poster board to make a thanksgiving collage.

Optional: Display the collages in the meeting room or a space where the wider congregation can see them.

Gather participants in a circle with their collages and invite them to take turns sharing about the images they selected and what they are grateful for. Give children a time to mingle and share and discuss their collages.