Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Love Will Guide Us: A Program for Grades 2-3 that Applies the Wisdom of the Six Sources to the Big Questions


You can implement Love Will Guide Us with any model your congregation uses for religious education. Use the chart below for long-range planning and be sure to read each session thoroughly.




Source Star for Night Sky Display

Special Supplies and/or Preparation Required

1: Love is Like a Seed

The Everything Seed


Big Dipper & The North Star

Make Night Sky display.

Decorate room.

Collect seeds native to your area, e.g., maple seed pods, pine cones, acorns, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, beans, avocado pits, pumpkin seeds, flower seed mixes, cactus seeds, sunflower seeds.

Optional: Get a copy of the picture book The Everything Seed by Carole Martignacco.

Learn Opening and Closing readings and songs.

2: Awesome Love

We Got Here Together

1 - The sense of wonder we all share

We learn from Our Sense of Wonder

Decide whether to incorporate Alternate Activity, UU Source Constellations, into this and future Openings.

Plan ahead for worm bins (Faith in Action).

3: We Love to Discover

Dinosaur Bones in New Jersey

5 - The use of reason and the discoveries of science

We learn from Reason and Science


4: Love in Our Congregations

Meet Jesus

4 - Jewish and Christian teachings which tell us to love all others as we love ourselves

We learn from Jewish and Christian Teachings

Photos and directories from congregation's archives (Faith in Action).

5: We Are Loved, Flaws and All

The Scratched Diamond

1 - The sense of wonder we all share

We learn from Our Sense of Wonder

Unfinished wooden treasure boxes; gemstones.

Geodes (alternate activity).

Learn "How Could Anyone" song (alternate activity).

6: Love Is Eternal

Why Death Is Like a Banana Tree

6 - The harmony of nature and the sacred circle of life

We learn from the Harmony of Nature

Send letter to parents about ritual of remembrance.

7: Give Love

Give Yourself (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

2 - People of long ago and today whose lives remind us to be kind and fair

We learn from Wise People

Learn song "Magic Penny" (alternate activity).

8: Love Is Accepting

The Strong Man Who Cried

4 - Jewish and Christian teachings which tell us to love all others as we love ourselves

We learn from Jewish and Christian Teachings

Large scarves and dress-up clothes.

9: Love of Learning

For the Love of Stars (Cecilia Payne)

5 - The use of reason and the discoveries of science

We learn from Reason and Science

Obtain a 2 1/2-gallon aquarium.

Plan ahead for Planetarium visit (Faith in Action).

10: Love for All Creatures

The Cat

3 - The ethical and spiritual wisdom of the world's religions

We learn from World Religions

Make arrangements for a live animal encounter.

11: Overflowing Love and Gratitude

The Rebirth of the Sun

6 - The harmony of nature and the sacred circle of life

We learn from the Harmony of Nature

Obtain candle-making supplies (Alternate Activity).

12: From Anger to Love


3 - The ethical and spiritual wisdom of the world's religions

We learn from World Religions

Invite an adult volunteer; obtain old clothes that can be marked up, and fabric markers.

13: Responding with Love

The Dervish in the Ditch

3 - The ethical and spiritual wisdom of the world's religions

We learn from World Religions

Find "peppy" instrumental music.

15: Love in Action

Harriet's Freedom Journeys (Harriet Tubman)

2 - People of long ago and today whose lives remind us to be kind and fair

We learn from Wise People

Obtain a ladle, preferably wooden.

Learn the song "Follow the Drinking Gourd."

16: Love Is the Golden Rule

Love Is the Golden Rule

Review all the Sources.


Gather items to represent each of the Unitarian Universalist Sources.

Generally, the sequence of sessions (and within sessions, the sequence of activities) is designed to activate prior knowledge, pique interest, engage children in experiential learning, and help them process and apply observations and new knowledge. You may use all the sessions in sequence, or select or reorder sessions. Combine and adapt the activities in each session to best suit the group. You know best how to shape this program to fit your congregation's religious education model, the culture of your congregation, the children in the group, and the time and space you have.

Learning is reinforced by activities that create bonds across generations. This program offers many ways to connect with the larger congregation. Talk with your minister or religious educator about ways to integrate the program into multigenerational experiences. For example, could the congregation might have a monthly focus on the Sources, use stories or music in worship, or arrange a pulpit swap with leaders of other faiths. Most Faith in Action activities are designed to engage participants with the larger congregation.

Session 2 calls for composting worm bins. It is advisable to have an expert visit the class. Consider taking orders in advance, as a fundraiser.

Session 7 includes giving the gift of time to a younger group in your congregation. Coordinate this in advance with your religious educator and other religious education leaders.

Session 10 includes interaction with live animals as part of the session. Determine whether there are any policies in place to prevent bringing in live animals or allergies that can prevent participation.

Session 16 asks children to find items to symbolize each of the seven Unitarian Universalist Sources. Collect and save items as you go through the program.

Plan to go outdoors. The Faith in Action activities for Sessions 1, 6, and 10 include creating a garden, visiting a cemetery, and creating a backyard habitat. Games suggested in some sessions would work well outdoors, depending on weather and the availability of a suitable location. Identify outdoor locations well in advance, obtain permissions you need to take participants there, and arrange for additional adults to accompany the group. Make sure you will not disturb others in the outdoor space at the time you plan to go there. Check ahead for insect nests or poisonous plants to avoid.

Within the sessions, you will find adaptation suggestions. Feel free to add your own. Choose what you feel is best for the space, time, and group. Remember, you are the best guide for these young learners.