Faith In Action: Volunteer in Service to the Congregation
Part of Love Connects Us, Grades 4-5
Preparation for Activity
- Talk with congregational leaders who are responsible for the area(s) in which you wish participants to volunteer. Find out what the children can do, and when they might do it. Arrange the service opportunity, including additional adult supervision, as needed.
Description of Activity
An opportunity to serve empowers children as participants in a community covenant and demonstrates that every person, whatever their age, can contribute. Children can volunteer in many ways, such as:
- Serving as greeters and ushers at a worship service
- Preparing and serving snacks at coffee hour
- Collecting orders of service and other disposable paper for recycling
- Pulling weeds, watering plants, and tidying grounds
- Cleaning up after a congregational social event
- Assisting adults with the care of younger children during a congregational meeting.
The children will find their service most meaningful if they do a job which really needs to be done.