Part of Love Connects Us, Grades 4-5
Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Leader Resource 1, Optical Illusions
- One-hole punch, yarn or hemp, and scissors
- Taking it Home
Preparation for Activity
- Print out Leader Resource 1 (or, gather the optical illusions you showed the group earlier in the session). Punch a single hole in each page, and thread a length of yarn through the hole, and fasten with a knot. Leave a few inches of yarn for someone to tie the page on to the Rainbow Wall Hanging.
- Download and adapt Taking It Home and copy it as a handout for all participants (or email it to all parents later).
Description of Activity
Gather the group in a circle. Invite a few volunteers to attach the optical illusions (Leader Resource 1) to the Rainbow Wall Hanging. When they return to the circle, encourage the group to engage in the closing ritual: Ask everyone to cross their arms in front of their body and then take the hands of the people next to them. Say "We are tied together by seeking the truth in love when we ... " Ask anyone who wishes to fill in a word or phrase about how we are tied together in a search for truth, in love. When everyone who wants to share has done so, open the circle by having everyone, while still holding hands, turn to their right, so that everyone is facing out and no longer has their arms crossed in front of their body.
Distribute copies of Taking It Home that you have prepared. Thank and dismiss participants.