Spiritual Preparation
Part of Love Connects Us, Grades 4-5
Find a place where you can be quiet with your thoughts. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for about five minutes, perhaps repeating a word or phrase to separate yourself from the activities of the day. When you feel settled and relaxed, think about how you perceived the world when you were a young child. What was your "lens" like then?
Now try to recall yourself at the same age as the children in the group:
- How did you perceive the world when you were their age?
- How have your ideas changed since then? What experiences have led you to change your viewpoint?
- When did you realize that individuals each have their own perspectives, their own understandings of life? How did you realize it?
- How are you able now to use your understanding of others' different lenses and perspectives?
- Can you always use this understanding? In what kinds of situations might you fail to remember that everyone has their own truth?
Keep these thoughts in your mind as you lead this session and help participants explore our individual searches for truth in love.