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Part of Love Connects Us, Grades 4-5
The Serenity Prayer
Hear an NPR interview with Elizabeth Sifton, the daughter of Reinhold Niebuhr, about the circumstances which led to Niebuhr's creation of the Serenity Prayer.
In July/August 2008, the Yale Alumni Magazine published an article, "Who Wrote the Serenity Prayer?" by Fred R. Shapiro. The article explores the possibility that older formulations of the Serenity Prayer's sentiment influenced Niebuhr's articulation of the prayer. An editorial sidebar gives a brief biography of Niebuhr.
The E-zine website has a brief article about the history of the Serenity Prayer.
Lisa Erickson's Mommy Mystic website offers a list of books and other resources about meditation for children, youth, and families.
The Article Doctor, a health and fitness website, has an article about mala, Buddhist meditation beads. Also find related topics including open-eye meditation and music in African meditation.