Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Love Connects Us: A Program on Living in Unitarian Universalist Covenant for Grades 4-5

Spiritual Preparation

Find a place where you can be quiet with your thoughts. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for about five minutes, perhaps repeating a word or phrase to separate yourself from the activities of the day. When you feel settled and relaxed, consider:

  • What connections do you have with the Serenity Prayer? When has it helped you to decide to accept with serenity something you cannot change? When have you sought and found the courage to change a bad situation?
  • How do you find inner peace? Do you practice any form of meditation?
  • What do you find helpful in a stressful situation? What do you find unhelpful, although you might do it anyway?
  • When you can find peace within yourself, does it help you create peace with those around you?

Approaching difficult situations from a calm, centered place can be a challenge for children as well as for adults. Your ability to model seeking peace within and with others is a gift to the children in the group as they engage in a lifelong process of learning to live peacefully.