Activity 4: Story - Finding Your Way - Ethelred Brown
Part of Faithful Journeys
Activity time: 13 minutes
Materials for Activity
- A copy of the story "Finding Your Way: Ethelred Brown"
- A chime, rain stick or other calming sound instrument
- Optional: Fidget object basket (Session 2, Leader Resource 2)
- Optional: A copy of the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook, Singing the Living Tradition and newsprint, markers and tape
Preparation for Activity
- Read the story a few times. Think about how you might use items from the story basket as props.
- Consider telling the story rather than reading it. Practice telling it aloud.
- Decide whether you would like to conclude the story with the song "I'm on My Way," Hymn 116 in the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook, Singing the Living Tradition. Prepare newsprint with the lyrics to post.
Description of Activity
A story of Egbert Ethelred Brown presents someone from our Unitarian Universalist heritage whose choices and actions exemplify our fourth Principle, a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.
Before you begin, look around the room and make eye contact with each person. Read or tell the story.
Sound the instrument to indicate that the story is over. If you have chosen to sing "I'm on My Way," lead the song. Then, guide a brief discussion using these questions:
- Ethelred Brown felt called to ministry. There was something inside him that he wanted to share by being a minister. What do you think it was he wanted to share? (Affirm that he wanted to share his own free search for truth and encourage others to think for themselves about what is true.)
- Is there something you love to do that you feel called to share?
- In the Christian church where Ethelred grew up, they believed there were three parts to God - God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. Unitarians got their name from believing in the unity of God - that God is just God. Ethelred agreed with the early Unitarians' idea of God. What do you believe about God? How do you know your idea about God is true?
Be sure to accept all beliefs and explanations the children offer about God. Affirm that, in our faith, everyone's ideas about God have equal merit.