Spiritual Preparation
Part of Faithful Journeys, Grades 2-3
If it would be helpful in creating sacred space, light a candle or chalice.
Look for your own experience of our fourth Principle in your relationship with Unitarian Universalism. How did you first encounter our faith? Did you discard earlier beliefs as you embraced Unitarian Universalism? Was Unitarian Universalism an affirmation of beliefs you had long held? If you were raised as a Unitarian and/or Universalist, have your beliefs — your ideas about what is true — changed significantly over time?
Have you met any challenges during your search for truth and meaning in our faith? What sacrifices have you made, or considered making, in order to be true to your beliefs?
What images does the word ministry call up for you? Do you consider yourself to have a ministry? Is there something you feel called to do (whether or not it is your paid employment)? In what ways does your calling involve sharing your own discovery of truth and meaning with others?
In this session, you will lead children to consider their own search for truth, their own special gifts, and ways they may be called to share these with others. Prepare to greet the children as truth-seekers and potential ministers today.