Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Faithful Journeys: A Program about Pilgrimages of Faith in Action for Grades 2-3

Leader Resource 3: Magic Month Letter to Parents

Customize this letter and provide to Faithful Journeys parents well ahead of the children's Magic Month presentation to the congregation.

Dear Parents,

In Faithful Journeys, we have been discussing magic as a pagan spiritual practice that combines energy, focus, and intention to effect positive change. We would like to involve the congregation in spreading magic in our local community by practicing random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty by proclaiming our own Magic Month in (insert month).

The children will present Magic Month to the congregation (insert date, place and time). Please bring your child a half hour early so we can practice our presentation together.

You can also help by completing some homework by (insert the deadline): Make a family plan for an action you can take during Magic Month. Be sure to involve your Faithful Journeys child in the planning and have them practice explaining it briefly. Your child will have the opportunity to present your family plan during our group presentation.

These ideas may help you choose an action for your family to do:

  • Leave flowers on someone's doorstep.
  • Send thank-you cards to local librarians, firefighters, or teachers.
  • Thank and compliment a grocery clerk or restaurant server.
  • Take up pottery and make gifts for others.
  • Write a poem and give it away.
  • Clean up a neighborhood park.
  • Visit residents in a nursing facility.
  • Give something of yours away, perhaps even to a stranger.
  • Buy grocery gift cards and instruct the cashier to give them to the next five customers.

We hope you and your family will be creative, have fun, and most importantly, help us create magic in our community.

In Faith,

(Co-leader names and contact information)