Part of Faithful Journeys, Grades 2-3
Life becomes religious whenever we make it so: when some new light is seen, when some deeper appreciation is felt, when some larger outlook is gained, when some nobler purpose is formed, when some task is well done. — Sophia Lyon Fahs
In this session, children learn about and experience our third Unitarian Universalist Principle, acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth. Children find their own individual gifts and interests affirmed as the group explores a variety of spiritual practices from singing to making a Zen garden. Children learn about Unitarian religious educator Sophia Lyon Fahs, whose innovative ideas about children's faith development inform our congregations' approaches to religious education today. We add the signpost "Keep Learning" to our Faithful Journeys Path.
Alternate activities for this session introduce poetry, a walking meditation and drawing to music. The more time you have for this session, the more doorways into spiritual practice and growth you can offer the group.
This session will:
- Strengthen Unitarian Universalist identity
- Build children's self-esteem as learners and seekers
- Guide children to explore the concept of spiritual growth
- Promote learning and growth as ongoing human endeavors, limited neither to school nor childhood
- Teach and reinforce our third Unitarian Universalist Principle, acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations
- Teach children how they can and do express their faith — their ideas of right and wrong, their values, and their beliefs — with real actions.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- Experience a variety of spiritual practices that draw on different learning styles, interests, and skills
- Find their own individual faith exploration affirmed, and affirm the explorations of their peers
- Learn about Unitarian religious educator Sophia Lyon Fahs
- Understand the history and continuity of the Unitarian Universalist religious education in which they are now engaged
- Identify their own experiences of spirituality, learning, growth, and spiritual growth
- Experience spiritual practice as a realm that engages body, mind, and heart
- Reflect on and express transcending mystery and wonder, one of the Sources of our living tradition
- Name ways they did or could translate their Unitarian Universalist faith and/or Principles into action.