Spiritual Preparation
Part of Faithful Journeys, Grades 2-3
If it would be helpful in creating sacred space, light a candle or chalice. Read the story "Belonging" about Unitarian Fannie Barrier Williams. Recall any times when you have been part of a group that has worked together for positive change in a local institution, in your wider community, or at a global level.
Reflect on these questions:
- What spiritual growth did you experience as a result of being part of a group?
- What links do you observe among your sense of belonging in the group, your beliefs as a Unitarian Universalist, and any action for change you were able to accomplish in the group?
- In what ways did the group exclude anyone? How aware of this were you? How did it feel?
Recall, as well, times when you were excluded from such a group.
- When you have been excluded, how did you handle the experience? Did you feel powerful, powerless, or something in between?
- How can you ensure that all children feel they belong in Faithful Journeys and in the Action Club you will form today?