Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Faithful Journeys: A Program about Pilgrimages of Faith in Action for Grades 2-3

Leader Resource 2: Guided Meditation

Use a chime, bell or rain stick to begin and end this meditation.

Tighten your toes, and then relax them. Let your feet become still and quiet. Tighten your leg muscles, and then relax them. Let your legs become still and quiet. Tighten your tummy muscles, and then relax them. Let your middle become still and quiet. Tighten your hands into fists, and then relax them. Let your hands become still and quiet. Tighten your arms and shoulders, and then relax them. Let your arms and shoulders become still and quiet. Let your whole body become still and quiet, so still that it seems like it might not be there at all. Keep your whole body still, except for your breathing.

What would it be like if you couldn't move your body below your neck? There are probably lots of things you do now that you couldn't do. But there are probably lots of other things that you could still do.

Think for a moment about what things you would be able to do if you couldn't move your body below the neck.

In a moment I will sound the chime/bell/rain stick, and we will come back together. After the sound, you can share something you've thought of that you could do without moving your body below your neck.

Pause, then sound the chime, bell, or rain stick and gather the group for discussion.