Activity 2: Move It! Another Way Relay
Part of Faithful Journeys, Grades 2-3
Activity time: 7 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Slips of paper containing instructions, one for each team (Leader Resource 1)
- Masking tape
- Objects you choose to use in the activity, such as a scarf (Leader Resource 1)
Preparation for Activity
- Adapt Leader Resource 1 to provide brief instructions for the first team member to retrieve and the second team member to interpret, nonverbally, for the third person to follow. Print out and photocopy.
- Identify a large, safe space for the activity. Mark start and finish lines with tape.
- Place each team's slip of paper at the finish line for the team's first member to retrieve.
Description of Activity
Children stretch mentally and physically to complete tasks without using the abilities they would ordinarily employ to accomplish these tasks.
Invite children to count off by threes to form teams. If any teams have only two members, ask a few "ones" to volunteer to be "threes" on another team after their job on the first team is complete. (This is a good assignment for children who have abundant energy and can multitask.) Tell the children:
The first member of your team must cross the room without using their feet, pick up the slip of paper they will find there without using their hands, and return to their group without using their feet.
Then, the second member of the team takes the slip of paper from the first person and reads it to themselves. Team member 2 must communicate these instructions to team member 3 without using their voice.
The third member of the team must figure out what the second member is telling them to do, complete the task, and return to tag team member 1.
The team that finishes first is the winner and has one minute to make up a victory cheer that has no words.
Including All Participants
Not all children this age are fluent readers; be alert and ready to assist any "twos" who need to read and act out written instructions.
Tailor the instructions in this activity to make sure the assigned task is both possible and a meaningful stretch for each child. For example, if a child with limited mobility is a "one," you might ask them to cross the room slowly, stopping completely each time they need to take a breath, instead of not using their feet or hands.