Taking It Home
Part of Faithful Journeys, Grades 2-3
No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. — The Change the World Kids
When we see what others are doing to change the world, when we affirm each other's longing for a healthier future, when we join hands to work together to make a difference, we are choosing hope instead of despair. — Rev. Katherine Jesch, UU Ministry for Earth
IN TODAY'S SESSION... We learned about our responsibility and ability to protect the Earth. Children heard the story of the Change the World Kids from Vermont and some global and local efforts they have made. We began to put in action the seventh Unitarian Universalist Principle, respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part, by decorating reusable cloth bags and creating "Make a Difference" posters. Our signpost to help guide us in faithful action was "Protect the Earth."
EXPLORE THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Talk about... Ask to see and display your child's "Make a Difference" poster and/or use the cloth bag they decorated. Talk about ways your family members work to protect the Earth in your home.
EXTEND THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Try... Pay extra attention to your child's actions that help protect the Earth and reflect our seventh Principle. Enact energy-saving and other Earth-friendly practices in your home. Find suggestions on your child's "Make a Difference" poster or ask them about new ideas they would like your family to try. Your child will have the opportunity to share their actions with the group next time we meet.
Make "Make a Difference" posters as a family and bring them on a "Green Tour" of your community. Visit restaurants, libraries, schools, supermarkets, toy stores, and other community facilities. Be on the lookout for green practices, such as recycling projects and use of alternative energy sources, energy-efficient light bulbs, Earth-friendly cleaning products or recycled papers. Ask merchants or community workers about green policies they have adopted. Ask permission to post a "Make a Difference" poster on their site.
Our "daily bread" is a constant reminder that the interdependent web of life ensures our survival. Take a moment at mealtime to acknowledge the journey your food made to arrive on your plates. Thank the people who planted and harvested crops; the animals that gave their lives for your meat or fish; the insects that pollinated; the rain that helped crops grow; the people who packaged, transported, and labeled the food, stocked the grocery shelves and sold the food, and prepared and served the meal. Point out that we need all the Earth's life to survive. Ask each family member to name one way they took care of the Earth that day or will do so in the future.
Form two teams for a friendly green competition. Set a timer for a half hour and then race to list all the environmentally friendly items or practices you can find in your home. You may also want to search for non-environmentally friendly items or practices. Or, work as one team to beat the clock and find at least ten items for each list before the timer goes off.
Borrow library books about global warming and ways children can work to protect the Earth, and read them as a family. Commit to an action you will take together to care for the Earth.