Leader Resource 1: Alunelul Dance
Part of Faithful Journeys
Traditional, as described on Hugo's Folk Dance Resources website.
Stand in a large circle.
1. Move 3 heel steps to the right. (Put your right heel out to your right, and put your left foot behind your right.)
2. Stamp twice with the left foot.
3. Move 3 heel steps to the left. (Put your left heel out to your left, and put your right foot behind your left.)
4. Stamp twice with the right foot.
5. Repeat parts 1 through 4.
6. Move 2 side steps to the right. (Step to the right with your right foot and close with your left.)
7. Stamp with your left foot.
8. Move 2 side steps to the left. (Step to the left with your left foot and close with your right.)
9. Stamp with your right foot.
10. Repeat parts 6 through 9.
11. Move 1 side step to the right, 1 side step to the left, 1 side step to the right.
12. Stamp twice with the left foot.
13. Move 1 side step to the left, 1 side step to the right, 1 side step to the left.
14. Stamp twice with the right foot.
15. Repeat parts 11 through 14.
Start the dance again.