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Part of Faithful Journeys
Unitarian Universalism and BGLT Issues
The UUA website documents Unitarian Universalist involvement in and support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer issues.
The UUA Welcoming Congregations program supports Unitarian Universalist congregations to actively include BGLT members in our faith communities.
Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry of California
Rev. Lindi Ramsden of the UULMC provided information for this session's story, "Valentines for the Governor." She told us more about the impact of the 2005 action:
What the valentines really did was to give UUs practice working together on this issue, so that when we had to work together to sign up on the court case, where we did win, we were ready. When we had to set up phone banking on this recent ballot measure, and do other activities such as letter-writing and public witness, we were ready, as well. We lost the recent election (to defeat Proposition 8, in 2008), but every single county gained enormous numbers of supporters for marriage equality.
When you lose, if you can "lose forward" you have really made some strong gains, building a movement of people, hope, and practice working together. Each time, you get closer to your goal.
The UUJMCA website reports on continuing efforts on behalf of marriage equality, as well as other justice issues. Learn more about the February 2005 valentine project and see photos of this and other UUJMCA actions.
Marriage Equality
For information about same-sex marriage laws in various states see a May 2008 article on
Books about contemporary same sex partner relationships and marriage include Gay Marriage, Real Life: Ten Stories of Love and Family by Michelle Bates Deakin (Boston: Skinner House Books); Confessions of the Other Mother: Non-Biological Lesbian Moms Tell All by Harlyn Aizley (Boston: Beacon Press); Courting Equality: A Documentary History of America's First Legal Same-Sex Marriages, by Patricia A. Gozemba and Karen Kahn, photographs by Marilyn Humphries (Boston: Beacon Press, 2007); and What Is Marriage For by E. J. Graff (Boston: Beacon Press).