Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Faithful Journeys: A Program about Pilgrimages of Faith in Action for Grades 2-3

Alternate Activity 3: Teach and Lead a Justice Song During Worship Service

Preparation for Activity

  • Arrange with your minister, music director and director of religious education a date for the group to teach and lead this song during a worship service. Ask the music director or another musical volunteer to co-lead and/or accompany the song.
  • Communicate the worship service date to Faithful Journeys parents. Request they bring children 20 minutes early, to practice.
  • Prepare a handout with the verses created by participants in Activity 2. Begin and end the song with the verse "If you want justice and you know it, clap your hands." Optional: Make extra copies for participants in the congregation.

Description of Activity

This activity is an extension of Activity 2. Participants will teach the congregation the justice song they created to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands."

Gather participants 20 minutes before the start of the service. Sing the song once through together. Ask for volunteers to lead the various verses. Volunteers will sing the first line of a verse alone and model its action to teach the congregation, while the entire group and congregation join in for the rest of the verse. Practice the song with volunteer leaders doing their parts.

Teach and lead the song during the worship service, as arranged.