Leader Resource 2: Justice Role Plays
Part of Faithful Journeys, Grades 2-3
Scenario 1
RICK: What do you think of that new guy in our class?
GREG: He seems kind of weird.
JOSH: Yeah, I mean, what kind of name is Harvinder?
GREG: A weird name.
RICK: And what's up with that funny topknot turban he wears on his head? Does he ever take it off? Like, does he leave it on in the shower?
JOSH: Probably not, and that's why he smells funny.
RICK: Well, I think we should just go over there and pull that turban thingy off him. Let him try looking like a normal person for once.
GREG AND JOSH: Yeah ... .
LEADER: If you are standing by and hear this conversation, what do you do? What would you do if Rick, Greg, and Josh were your friends? What would you do if you didn't know them?
Scenario 2
SHANNON: Hi, Mr. Jacobs.
MR. JACOBS: Hi, Shannon.
SHANNON: This is my mom.
SHANNON'S MOM: Call me Jane.
MR. JACOBS: Hi, Jane, nice to meet you.
SHANNON: I heard about the new rugby team starting today. I want to sign up.
MR. JACOBS: (laughs) You're kidding, right? Rugby is not a girl's sport.
MR. JACOBS: It's a very rough game. She would get flattened out there. It just is not safe.
SHANNON: Well, I am a pretty tough girl. I play soccer, and I have gotten kicked before, lots of times. I can handle it.
MR. JACOBS: You say that now, but you do not even know what the game is like. No, I am sorry, but no girls.
LEADER: What would you do if you were Shannon? What would you do if you were Shannon's mom? What would you do if you were Shannon's friend, and you heard this conversation? What if you were a boy who was there to join the rugby team?
Scenario 3
KIMI: Mrs. Brown, Chris didn't say the Pledge of Allegiance!
MRS. BROWN: Chris, is that true? What's going on?
CHRIS: Well, I just didn't say some of it.
MRS. BROWN: What do you mean?
CHRIS: The Pledge says "One nation, under God," and I do not think I believe in God, so I didn't say that part.
MRS. BROWN: But, Chris, the whole class says the Pledge of Allegiance. If you do not say it, you are not only breaking a rule. You are not being a good American.
KIMI: Nobody thinks about the Pledge of Allegiance, anyway. We just say the words. I am not sure I even know what "allegiance" means. Why not just say it?
CHRIS: I know a pledge is a promise. I do not want to promise something I do not think is true.
MRS. BROWN: Well, in my class everyone says the Pledge of Allegiance. That is the rule. We do not always have to like the rules, but we do have to follow them.
LEADER: What would you do if you were Chris? What if you were Kimi, or another student in Mrs. Brown's class?
Scenario 4
MR. LEE: I am so excited to meet our new minister!
SUE-LIN: We have a new minister?
MRS. LEE: Well, almost. You see, our congregation has a ministerial search committee. They found a minister who they think is right for us. She'll be here today to meet everybody and lead worship.
MR. LEE: She will meet with some of the members and answer our questions all this week. Then, everybody votes to decide if she will be our new minister or not.
SUE-LIN: Cool! So when do we vote?
MR. LEE: Sorry, Sue-Lin. Only church members get to vote. You cannot be an official member until you are sixteen.
SUE-LIN: But, that's not fair. What if I do not like her, and then I do not get a vote, and then I am stuck with her?
MR. LEE: I am sure you will like her.
SUE-LIN: Wait! You said that this week she will meet everybody and answer questions. When do the kids get to ask her questions?
MR. LEE: There is a family potluck Thursday night. You can meet her then.
SUE-LIN: And ask a lot of questions?
MR. LEE: Well, no, that will be more like a party.
SUE-LIN: This is not right! I learned in Faithful Journeys that UUs believe everyone should have a voice and a vote. Our congregation is making a big decision, and kids do not get a voice or a vote!
LEADER: What would you do if you were Sue-Lin? What would you do if you were her parents?