Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Chalice candle or LED/battery-operated candle
- Lighter and extinguisher, if needed
- Labyrinth, with participants' name stones placed upon it
- Basket for name stones
- Optional: Index cards or post-its, bold markers, and tape
Optional: A copy of Singing the Journey, supplement to the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Singing the Living Tradition
Preparation for Activity
- Review Hymn 1008 in Singing the Journey, "When Our Heart Is in a Holy Place." Decide whether you prefer to have the children sing or recite the chorus words to close this session. If you will need the words and/or music to lead the group, place a copy of Singing the Journey near your chalice.
- Customize, print out, and photocopy the Taking It Home section for all participants.
- If you have a Word Wall, write the word "loyalty" with bold marker on an index card or post-it.
Description of Activity
Gather the group in a circle around the labyrinth. Relight the chalice.
Tell the group that it is now time to share a closing ritual.
Invite the children to take their stones from the labyrinth and return them to the basket. Then, ask a few volunteers to help you fold or roll the labyrinth and put it away.
If you have a Word Wall, say:
The word for our World Wall today is "loyalty."
Show the group the index card or post-it on which you have written "loyalty." Add it to the Word Wall, or ask a volunteer to do it.
Next, invite everyone to hold hands and sing just the chorus to "When Our Heart Is in a Holy Place," Hymn 1008 in Singing the Journey.
If you prefer, invite the children to recite the words to the song:
When our heart is in a holy place,
When our heart is in a holy place.
We are blessed with love and amazing grace.
When our heart is in a holy place.
Say in your own words:
Whether you were born here, in this city, or moved here, I'm glad you are here because you found this place as your faith home. I hope I get to welcome you home again next time!
Extinguish the chalice.
Distribute the Taking It Home handout you have prepared. Remind participants to give the handout to their parents.
Thank and dismiss participants.