Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Creating Home: A Program on Developing a Sense of Home Grounded in Faith for Grades K-1

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Go online to find out more information about urban gardening.

Healthy Food and Nutrition

Online, you can find more information about organic foods and health for children.

Henry David Thoreau

A website called CyberBee offers wonderful children's computer experience with Henry David Thoreau and a namesake, the bear in D.B. Johnson's illustrated books such as Henry Hikes to Fitchburg.

Here are some children's books on Henry David Thoreau:

Henry David's House by Henry David Thoreau. Excerpts from Walden, edited by Steven Schnur, illustrated by Peter M. Fiore (Watertown (Massachusetts): Charlesbridge Publishing, 2002)

A Mind with Wings: The Story of Henry David Thoreau by Gerald Hausman and Loretta Hausman (Trumpeter, 2006)

New Suns Will Arise: From the Journals of Henry David Thoreau, by Henry David Thoreau, John Dugdale, and Frank Crocitto (Hyperion Press, 2000)

Henry Hikes to Fitchburg, written and illustrated by D.B. Johnson (Houghton Mifflin, 2000 (hardcover), 2006 (paperback)

Henry David Thoreau: In Step with Nature, Elizabeth Ring (Millbrook Press, 1993)