Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Creating Home: A Program on Developing a Sense of Home Grounded in Faith for Grades K-1

Activity 1: Guided Labyrinth Meditation

Activity time: 10 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Creating Home floor labyrinth, or finger labyrinth (Handout 1, Finger Labyrinth)
  • Newsprint, markers, and tape
  • A copy of Leader Resource 1, Guided Meditation
  • Optional: A tape or CD of someone reading the guided meditation aloud, and a tape or CD player

Preparation for Activity

  • If you do not use a floor labyrinth in the Creating Home program, obtain one for this session. Or, make copies of Handout 1, Finger Labyrinth for all participants. A finger labyrinth will work well for this guided exercise, because all of the children can "walk" it at the same time.
  • Post one or two sheets of blank newsprint for recording children's comments after the guided meditation.
  • If you plan to do Faith In Action: Spreading the Word, find out from your director of religious education whether you need, and how to best obtain, parents' permission to use children's comments in a congregational publication or on a website. You may like to ask parents' permission ahead of time - before you record the children's comments.
  • Review Leader Resource 1, Guided Meditation. Practice reading the meditation at a gentle pace, in an even and soothing voice. As you practice, be sure to pause after questions and whenever the listener is asked to change activity. You may wish to record the meditation in advance, and play the tape or CD while children walk the floor labyrinth one at a time or in small numbers. A taped meditation will also work if children are using individual finger labyrinths.

Description of Activity

As children use a labyrinth and guided meditation to take an inward journey, they focus attention on their faith home and their relationship with it.

If the children have walked the labyrinth before, let them know that this time will be different because their meditation will be guided. If you are using a floor labyrinth, clearly and simply explain how you want the children to move through the labyrinth to minimize the need to interrupt the meditation once it begins. If each child will use a finger labyrinth, invite the children to sit comfortably where they are not touching someone else, and distribute Handout 1, Finger Labyrinth.

Ask the children to take a few deep breaths together. Then begin reading aloud, or playing the recording of, the meditation.

Once the meditation is finished, allow children still walking the floor labyrinth to complete their journey. Then, invite the children to quietly gather in a circle. Ask if anyone would like to share some of their thoughts about activities they like to participate in at their faith home. They might include the following: learning something new in class, singing or hearing music, playing, seeing friends, lighting the chalice or a candle, making something, or hearing a story. Thank each child for his/her contribution, and summarize each new one on the newsprint.

You may like to ask the children:

Do you think children who belong to other religions and go to other faith homes participate in some of these same activities? Why or why not? Which ones?