Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Creating Home: A Program on Developing a Sense of Home Grounded in Faith for Grades K-1

Alternate Activity 2: Designing Seasonal Worship Service Covers

Part of Creating Home

Activity time: 15 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Blank paper for all participants
  • Pencils, markers, and/or crayons

Preparation for Activity

  • Ask worship planners if the children may design the front of a worship service bulletin for the next season. Find out if their work can be printed in color or will be printed in black and white. Check on the size of the paper used and the margins.
  • Gather sample worship service bulletins that have illustrated covers.

Description of Activity

Children will participate in worship as co-creators, by making the cover of a worship service bulletin. This activity will help children understand the planning that goes into a worship service.

Show the group the sample worship service bulletins you have brought. Explain that the children will make drawings that will become the front of bulletins in the future.

Talk with the children about what they will draw. You may like to suggest they focus on the season in which the worship service will occur. Discuss how nature looks in the future season and special events of the season. Remember, children this age are concrete. They find it easier to look out a window and tell you what they see than to imagine the future. You may want to bring a story book with good pictures of the season you will be illustrating.

Once the children have planned what they will draw, give them the paper on which you want them to draw. There is no wrong way for the children to draw. Allow them to create and share their gifts.

Bring the children's drawings to the congregational staff person or lay leader responsible for printing the worship service bulletin. When you know the dates the children's drawings will appear on the worship service bulletin cover(s), alert families using email, a mailed letter, or a phone call.