Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Creating Home: A Program on Developing a Sense of Home Grounded in Faith for Grades K-1

Activity 5: Worship Acronym Picture

Activity time: 10 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Large sheets of construction paper for all participants
  • Newsprint, markers, and tape
  • Crayons or color markers

Preparation for Activity

  • Write the word "WORSHIP" on newsprint, vertically down the left-hand side of the page, and post. Space out the individual letters generously.

Description of Activity

The word "worship" is easy for beginning readers to sound out and spell. The children will learn to recognize the "worship" while identifying some of their own responses to the word. This is also a good exercise for following directions.

Give each child a large sheet of construction paper, and distribute crayons and/or color markers at worktables. Show the children the word "WORSHIP" that you have posted on newsprint. Invite them to copy the word as you have written it, in capital letters down the left-hand side of the page. Help them sound out and read the word.

Say, in your own words:

When we join together with other people in our faith home to pray, to meditate, to sing together, to share blessings, or to give thanks, that is called "worship." Often, we worship in the sanctuary, but we can worship in other places, too. Sharing time together in Creating Home can be a kind of worship.

Invite the children to draw a picture next to each letter that has something to do with "worship." Provide more detailed directions, one letter at a time. Take your time in suggesting what to draw for each letter. Be ready to return to each letter, as children will decide what to draw, and draw it, at different paces.

Use this letter-by-letter guidance:

  • Next to the "W," please draw what worship looks like in our faith home.
  • Next to the "O," please draw a picture of others who worship with you in our faith home
  • Next to the "R," please draw a picture of a ritual used in worship.
  • Next to the "S," please draw something from the worship service that you like.
  • Next to the "H," please draw something about a hymn we might sing during worship.
  • Next to the "I," please draw the threshold where you enter in the worship service.
  • Next to the "P," please draw a person who helps lead the worship service.

You may need to remind participants of the meaning of some words. You may say,

  • A "ritual" is something that is done every time there is worship. (Suggest chalice-lighting or another ritual that happens in your congregation.)
  • A "hymn" is a song of praise or thanks that can be part of a worship service. (Suggest specific hymns that the children have heard or learned.)
  • A "threshold" is the entrance or doorway to a place.

Including All Participants

In many congregations, children this age have very little direct experience of a worship service. Be generous and detailed in your descriptions of what happens in worship. Avoid suggesting there is a "correct" thing to draw for any of the letters.