Activity 1: Good Sides, Bad Sides
Activity time: 5 minutes
Description of Activity
Introduce the session by giving its title, "Doing Your Good Side." Say that when you talked about showing your good side a moment ago, you meant "your best physical side." Add that most people really do not need to worry about their best physical side, because they look about the same on both sides. Then introduce the opening Mark Twain quote: "Every one is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody." Ask participants what they think Twain meant. Was he referring to their physical side? Have the youth heard of somebody "showing their best side" by being on their best behavior? People sometimes say that about individuals who can be hard to get along with at some times but very nice at other times. Maybe the youth know people like that.
If further explanation will be useful, consider words like these:
Showing somebody your good side does not really mean doing anything physical. It refers to the fact that our characters are mixed. Some parts are better than other parts. Most of us have bad times when we feel or act angry or envious. Most of us have good times when we are kind, caring, and helpful. The differences reflect different parts, or the different sides, of our characters. We ourselves may understand that we seem to have two sides. Others may see that, too.
So "showing your right side" can mean doing the right thing instead of the wrong thing, being virtuous instead of sinful. That is why the name of this session is "Doing Your Good Side," not "Showing Your Good Side."
We say that people who try hard to do their best sides have "integrity." They live up to their own ideals and show their best characteristics. They do not just know what is right; they try to do it.