Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Chalice Children: A Program about Our Unitarian Universalist Community for Preschoolers

Leader Resource 1: Memory Match Game: Homemade Cards

The Memory Match Game reinforces the common sights of your congregation. What a surprise for the children to see their congregation, their minister, and their leaders as part of a game! Prepare cards in advance for the Memory Match Game, choosing scenes and people from around your congregation; see ideas below. Make enough cards so that every four children can play with 12—16 cards (six to eight pairs). The cards should be durable enough so that the preschoolers can play with them during the rest of the year, and even in future years! You might want to recruit a preschool family to work on this over the summer.

Find information and images from the history of your congregation by talking with founders, elders, or archivists. Request and read any books or brochures about the history of the congregation. Has the congregation celebrated a 20th, 100th, or other anniversary? Seek out any anniversary materials that might be available. Look for images you can cut out or scan and photocopy to make cards.

There are several options for making the cards:

  • Purchase the Milton Bradley Memory Game (R) and glue pictures of things and people from your congregation onto the existing cards.
  • Print digital pictures of things and people around your congregation and glue them to index cards.
  • Print digital images directly onto card stock.

Consider laminating the cards so they will last longer.

Find a sturdy, attractive container in which to store the game cards.

Ideas for images:

Religious educator(s), RE leaders and volunteers


Other staff and volunteers

Children in the group

Chalices (find chalice clip art on the UUA website)


Your building


Distinctive trees/flowers on the congregation grounds

Special doors

Items in the preschool room

Window displays

Offices and equipment


Halls, stairways, accessibility ramps

Other special places or objects