Taking It Home
Part of Chalice Children, in Preschool
Give thanks for the homes that with kindness are blessed... — Hymn 69, "Give Thanks," Singing the Living Tradition
IN TODAY'S SESSION... we gave thanks for something important to us and made a contribution to the family meal.
EXPLORE THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Share together... the suggested books for this session:
- Cranberry Thanksgiving by Wende Devlin and Harry Devlin, 2012. Grandmother certainly didn't want to ask Mr. Whiskers for Thanksgiving dinner! SOMEONE stole her favorite, secret recipe for cranberry bread! Was Mr. Whiskers the thief? (includes the recipe)
- Thanksgiving Is by Gail Gibbons, 2005. Thanksgiving is a time to share with family and friends, and a time to give thanks for many blessings.
- Thanks for Thanksgiving by Julie Markes, 2008. Everyone knows that Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks—the question is, where to begin? From the turkey on the table to warm, cozy cuddles, life is full of small and big pleasures.
- The Thankful Book by Todd Parr, 2012. Todd Parr's bestselling books have taught kids about unconditional love, respecting the earth, facing fears, and more, with his signature blend of playfulness and sensitivity.
EXTEND THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Serve your preschooler's contribution with the family Thanksgiving meal.
A Family Adventure. Take a Gratitude Hike or Thankful Walk together after a family meal. What are you grateful/thankful for? Give everyone time to consider their thoughts while you walk. Then, stop and share them at a turnaround point, an inspiring place, or a peaceful place. Watch the Thank You Thanksgiving YouTube video about a little girl's walk.
A Family Discovery. Choose a preschooler-friendly recipe from this session's Handout 1, Thanksgiving Recipes, and make it together at home. Or, if you have time to cut and peel apples beforehand, consider making applesauce. Here's an easy, no-sugar recipe. If you have access to a food processor, try making an uncooked cranberry-orange relish with this recipe.
A Family Game. Sing "thank you" songs. Sing "If You're Thankful and You Know It," to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It (Clap Your Hands)." Or learn "I Am Saying Thank You," by UU Montana songwriter Judy Fjell; listen to the free MP3 download on her website. What other "thank you" songs can you think of?
A Family Ritual. Hold hands at the family meal. Invite each person to share something they are thankful for. Go first, to give others the idea.