Part of Chalice Children, in Preschool
Give thanks for the homes that with kindness are blessed... — Hymn 69, "Give Thanks," Singing the Living Tradition
Preschoolers contribute to their family's Thanksgiving with a food they make in this session. They reflect on giving thanks and use the word "gratitude."
If your congregation gathers for a "sharing of breads" during this time of year, you may instead wish to use Session 16, Special Worship Services; it provides a sharing of breads worship service you can do with the preschoolers.
This session will help preschoolers:
- Learn about Thanksgiving holiday traditions
- Learn about thankfulness and gratitude as part of their experience at the UU congregation
- Feel a growing sense of belonging.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- Feel pride in contributing to the family meal
- Hear and use the word "gratitude"
- Share something that they are thankful for.