Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Chalice Children: A Program about Our Unitarian Universalist Community for Preschoolers

Leader Resource 1: Teddy Bear Month Invitation

Send this letter to the Chalice Children families before Session 25.

Dear Chalice Children families:

For the next four sessions, the Chalice Children are celebrating Teddy Bear Month! Children are invited to bring a small stuffed bear or other favorite cuddly stuffed animal each Sunday. Please help them to remember. (But don't worry if they forget—we'll have extras on hand.)

The sessions are:

[Date]: Teddy Bear Month — Friendship — making and keeping friends

[Date]: Teddy Bear Month — Sick! — helping others feel better

[Date]: Teddy Bear Month: Lost — feelings of fear

[Date]: Teddy Bear Party — celebrating the bears

See you there!

Your leaders,
