Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Chalice Children: A Program about Our Unitarian Universalist Community for Preschoolers

Activity 6: Circle Games

Activity time: 10 minutes

Preparation for Activity

  • Familiarize yourself with the games and songs. Two new songs and games-Big Yellow Moon and "Hey Diddle Diddle"-appear in this session, in honor of the moon theme. You could research additional circle games or songs connected to the moon, or make up your own moon-related words to a common tune.
  • If needed, watch this video of "Hey Diddle Diddle" on YouTube.
  • Display any posters you have made.

Description of Activity

Gather in a circle on the floor.

Play the games and sing the songs. Keep the pace brisk to help the children stay focused.

Welcome, Chalice Children

Ask the children to stand, as they are able, in their places. Sing "Welcome, Chalice Children" to the tune of "Little Rabbit Foo-Foo":

Welcome, Chalice Children,

We are Unitarians.

Jump into the circle,

Jump, jump, jump.

Welcome, Chalice Children,

We are Universalists.

Jump into the circle,

Jump, jump, jump.

Welcome, Chalice Children,

My name is [leaders' and children's names, in turn].

Jump into the circle,

Jump, jump, jump.

Alternate verses:

We are Chalice Children!

Welcome to our circle!

We are Chalice Children!

Clap, clap, clap!

We are Unitarians!

We are Universalists!

Welcome to our circle!

Clap, clap, clap!

We are Chalice Children!

Let's all welcome [name of a child in the group]

Welcome to our circle!

Clap, clap, clap!

Big Yellow Moon

Introduce this moon game, leading the children in the actions noted after each line:

Big yellow moon shines so bright, [lift arms above head in a circle]

Glides across the starry night. [slowly move arms from left to right]

Looks down at me, [shade eyes with hands]

Asleep in bed, [put hands together at side of face]

Whispers, "Good night, sleepyhead." [put forefinger in front of mouth]

Big yellow moon, your turn is done. [move arms down in front of body]

Here comes Mr. Morning Sun! [lift arms above head in a circle]

I wake up. [stretch arms out]

You go to bed. [put hands together at side of face]

"Sleep well, Moon, you sleepyhead." [put forefinger in front of mouth]

Hey Diddle Diddle

Hey, diddle, diddle,

The cat and the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed to see such fun,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Lead more Circle Time songs and games, as time allows.

Find a Friend at Church

"Find a Friend at Church" is sung to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell." Have the children gather in a circle. Have one child walk around the outside of the circle while the first two lines of the song are sung. The child then chooses a friend. The two friends hold hands and skip around the circle while the remainder of the verse is sung. The first child returns to the circle, and the game is repeated with a second child walking outside the circle. Continue until all have had a turn to choose a friend.

I'll find a friend at church.

I'll find a friend at church.

Heigh ho, the derry oh,

I'll find a friend at church.

We'll skip around the room.

We'll skip around the room.

Heigh ho, the derry oh,

We'll skip around the room.

Variation: Instead of "skip," ask each child to choose an action, such as run, walk, hop, or jump.

Including All Participants

If any child might find jumping and standing difficult, substitute other actions, such as clapping, stepping, or wiggling, or sing the songs from a seated position.