Alternate Activity 1: Draw a Star
Part of Chalice Children, in Preschool
Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Drawing paper
- Markers, crayons, and/or paints and paintbrushes
- Moistened paper towels
- Optional: Draw Me a Star by Eric Carle
Preparation for Activity
- Read Draw Me a Star by Eric Carle or watch this YouTube video to see how Carle's book teaches the activity. If you want to share the book with the children, obtain it from a public library or purchase the book for your congregation.
Description of Activity
Invite the children to draw stars as demonstrated in Eric Carle's book Draw Me a Star. Make sure that each child puts their name on their drawing.
When you've finished making stars, invite the children to help with clean-up. They can put away the drawing supplies and wipe the table with moistened paper towels. Put the drawings near the door for the children to take home later.
Including All Participants
If any child is in a wheelchair, make sure that there is a table at their height, with places for other children as well, so they may draw along with everyone.