Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Chalice Children: A Program about Our Unitarian Universalist Community for Preschoolers


Roots hold me close; wings set me free; Spirit of Life, come to me, come to me. — "Spirit of Life," Hymn 123 in Singing the Living Tradition

Unitarian Universalists have many special worship services. This session guides you to introduce a flower ceremony (known in some congregations as a flower communion). The flower ceremony is one of our most beloved UU services, a ritual of togetherness and hope. Using flowers and nature, UUs give concrete expression to the humanity-affirming principles of our liberal faith.

You can use this session as a template to create more sessions based on the special worship services that take place in your congregation—perhaps a service before Dr. Martin Luther King Day, a Maypole Service, or a Blessing of the Animals. The two alternate activities focus on a water ceremony and a bread-sharing ceremony; each alternate activity suggests adaptations you can make to the Circle Time, Circle Games, Closing, and Taking It Home handout. Leader Resource 2 lists the basic elements of a special worship service geared for very young children. When you share in a special worship service with the preschoolers, you help them to understand the wider congregational life in which their family participates.


This session will help preschoolers:

  • Understand some rituals and special services of this congregation
  • Experience the Chalice Children group as safe and caring
  • Feel a growing sense of belonging to and identity with a Unitarian Universalist congregation.

Learning Objectives

Participants will:

  • Explore the sensory elements of a special worship service
  • Feel themselves to be a part of the larger faith community by participating in and helping with the special service
  • Understand that Unitarian Universalists near and far have special services in common.