Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Chalice Children: A Program about Our Unitarian Universalist Community for Preschoolers

Activity 5: Making Snack

Activity time: 15 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Leader Resource 1, Family Snack Party Invitation
  • Snack supplies of your choice, serving plates or bowls, and napkins or small plates
  • Newsprint roll or butcher paper
  • Markers or crayons
  • Hand sanitizer or access to a sink with soap and water
  • Family jigsaw puzzle (Session 11, Activity 5, A Special Jigsaw Puzzle)
  • Paper towels, moistened
  • Optional: Other table decorations, bows, or crepe paper
  • Optional: Adult-sized chairs

Preparation for Activity

  • At least a week ahead, adapt Leader Resource 1, Family Snack Party Invitation and mail or email to Chalice Children families. (Print extra invitations to hand to parents and caregivers leaving their children at the start of the session, as a reminder.)
  • If your meeting room lacks space to prepare snack and to accommodate all the families (including adult chairs, which you may need to bring in, and room for anyone using a wheelchair), arrange to use another location.
  • Check on participant and family food restrictions and allergies and plan snacks appropriate for the group. Plan some items that children can help prepare during this activity. Suggestions include Ants on a Log (celery, peanut butter, and raisins-if any have peanut allergies, but all can eat dairy products, substitute cream cheese for peanut butter); popcorn (children can prepare individual servings in small paper bowls or paper coffee filters); bread, butter, and jam; graham crackers; fresh fruit; and hummus with veggies and/or pita chips. You might also check out the Banana Pudding snack on the Teach Preschool blog.
  • Set up a "cooking area" with all the supplies needed to prepare the snack. Include enough staging areas so each child can have a place to be and a task to do.
  • Set up the snack table by covering it with newsprint and butcher paper. Set out markers and any other items children may use to decorate.

Description of Activity

The children help make a special snack to serve to their families after this session.

Have all the children wash their hands well. Invite them to the "cooking" area. Tell them what snack they are going to make. Assign a task to each child.

Some children can decorate the "tablecloth," help pull up to the table any needed adult-size chairs, or help you decide where to display the family jigsaw puzzle.

Engage all the children to help clean up. They can carry utensils and cutting boards to the sink, return unused food to its container, and wipe the surfaces with moistened paper towels.

Including All Participants

Be sure your communication about allergies has been thorough before families enter the room to share the snack. Make sure the room is accessible for any family members or caregivers who may have special needs.