Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Chalice Children: A Program about Our Unitarian Universalist Community for Preschoolers

Before You Start

Internet access and the availability of a laptop can enrich many of the sessions, which include links to videos, music, and websites. Online resources are supplemental; they are not required for leading any session.

The chart below provides a snapshot for long-range planning; you can find detailed instructions elsewhere in this Introduction and in the corresponding sessions.


Advance Preparation

Set-up before Session 1: Welcome

  • Purchase Feelings Flashcards by Todd Parr or create a Feelings Chart.
  • Create posters for Clean Up, Circle Rhymes, Circle Time, and Circle Songs.
  • Arrange the free play environment.
  • Choose a preschool chalice
  • Create a family e-mail group for ease of sending invitations and letters, as well as for sending pictures and the Taking It Home section
  • Create a Faith in Action team of parents who schedule projects in advance and implement them
  • Consider making a photo book or album of sights around your congregation to use as a picture book.

Session 2: A Tour of the Inside of Our Congregation

  • Collect memorabilia, suitable for preschoolers, from places inside the facility
  • Take a pre-tour walk
  • Consider making a photo album or book of sights around your congregation.

Session 3: A Tour of the Outside of Our Congregation

  • Collect items, suitable for preschoolers, from around the outside of the facility
  • Take a pre-tour walk
  • Create a photo album or book of sights around your congregation.

Session 4: Making Chalices

Session 5: All Around Us

  • Make a Memory Match Game.

Session 6: Chalice Necklaces

  • Use A Cup of Light (from Session 4)

Session 7: The Beauty of Nature

  • Purchase bulbs and find a place to plant them on your grounds.

Session 8: Fruit Chalices

  • Use A Cup of Light (from Session 4)

Session 9: Chalice Flannel Board

  • Make or purchase a flannel board.

Session 11: A Special Jigsaw Puzzle

  • Make a jigsaw puzzle.

Session 12: Family Snack Party

  • Send the Family Snack Party invitation in advance by email or postal mail.

Session 13: Feeling Sad

  • Invite families to have their children bring in a picture or memento of a loved one who has died.

Session 14: Weddings and Other Services of Love and Union

  • Invite families to contribute wedding or service-of-union items, such as an album, a dress, or a dried bouquet.
  • Contact the families and discuss their feelings and desires about the language used to describe their family situation.

Session 15: Babies

  • Arrange for a visit from a family with an infant.

Session 16: Special Worship Services

  • Collect sensory elements for the special service you are celebrating.

Session 22: Imagination

  • Make homemade modeling clay.

Session 23: My Shadow

  • Identify and invite a congregant who can make shadow figures.

Session 24: Block Sunday

  • Variation: If you don't have blocks, you could collect cardboard boxes for building a neighborhood.

Sessions 25-28: Teddy Bear Month

  • Send invitations prior to each session in Teddy Bear Month asking families to send a favorite teddy or stuffed animal with their children.

Session 30: Halloween

  • For Alternate Activity 1, borrow a popcorn popper.

Session 35: Easter

Session 36: Earth Day

  • Preview the route of the Earth Day walk.

Session 37: Mother's Day and Father's Day

  • Send a letter requesting information about any sensitive family situations.