Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: The Wi$dom Path: An Adult Program on Money, Spirit, and Life

Alternate Activity 1: Contemporary UU Pulpit Messages

Part of The Wi$dom Path

Activity time: 15 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Review Handout 2, Contemporary Unitarian Universalist Pulpit Messages.
  • If possible, before this workshop select a volunteer to read each of the five sections and give volunteers their parts in advance.
  • Post a sheet of newsprint with the title “Sermon Messages.”

Description of Activity

Tell the group they will explore recent sermon texts to identify financial values and virtues lifted up among contemporary Unitarian Universalist religious leaders.

Distribute Handout 2. Ask for volunteers to read each excerpt aloud.

After each one, ask:

In your own words, what are the key messages you heard?

Capture responses on the newsprint you have posted.

Lead the group to reflect, using these questions:

  • Do any of these messages resonate with you?
  • Do any of them surprise you?
  • Would these messages be at home in your own congregation?
  • What do you find is missing from these messages?
  • How are these messages similar and dissimilar to the other messages we have explored?