Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: The Wi$dom Path: An Adult Program on Money, Spirit, and Life

Handout 3: Ten Things All UUs Should Know about Socially Responsible Investing

Part of The Wi$dom Path

From the Unitarian Universalist Association's (UUA’s) Committee on Socially Responsible Investing (CSRI). Find full text on the UUA website.

1. Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) means making money and making a difference.

2. SRI is much more than just avoiding bad companies.

3. “Investment selection” in SRI means using environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria as you choose your investments.

4. “Engagement” means working to improve the ESG performance of the companies whose securities you own.

5. “Community investing” means directing a portion of your investments in a way that helps to ameliorate poverty and social inequality.

6. SRI is compatible with strong financial performance.

7. SRI is a growing movement.

8. The UUA is a well-known leader in SRI.

9. Every UU congregation can do SRI.

10. Every individual can do SRI.