Activity 1: Our Giving Stories
Activity time: 15 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Handout 1, Giving Stories
- Newsprint, markers, and tape
- Small chime or bell
- Timepiece
Preparation for Activity
- Copy of Handout 1 for all participants.
- Write the following questions on newsprint, and post:
- What were your reasons for giving? Can you find those reasons represented in one or more of the clouds in Handout 1?
- How did it feel to make this donation?
- How did your reason for giving connect to your feeling about the gift?
- Stepping back from the experience, can you discern the intersection of emotion and values that made it a memorable gift?
Description of Activity
Distribute Handout 1, Giving Stories. Say:
The generous man in the story spoke of how giving makes him happy and helps him feel true to himself. I invite you to take a few moments to recall the circumstances of a time when you made a memorable gift or donation to your faith community or to an organization or cause about which you are passionate.
Allow two or three minutes for participants to bring their story to mind. Then ask them to consider whether one or more of the phrases in Handout 1 aptly describe the motivation for their donation or whether they would use another phrase. Ask participants to share their giving stories in pairs, using the posted questions if they are helpful in telling the story. Explain that each partner will have about three minutes to share. Ring the bell or chime after three minutes to signal that it is time to change speakers. Then regather the large group and invite participants to share insights and observations. Are there phrases participants would like to add to Handout 1?