Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Faith Like a River: A Program on Unitarian Universalist History for Adults

Activity 3: From Antitrinitarian to Unitarian

Activity time: 25 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Print out Leader Resource 2, From Antitrinitarian to Unitarian and prepare to read or present it.
  • Copy Handout 2, Defining Moments.
  • Invite five volunteers to read the quotes in Handout 2, Defining Moments. Give them the handouts and their assignments in advance.

Description of Activity

Explain that although Channing's and Parker's sermons were defining moments in American Unitarianism, Unitarian ideas date back nearly two thousand years. Distribute the handouts and tell participants they provide some milestones in Unitarian theological history. Present or read the leader resource, pausing where indicated for the volunteers to read the quotations.

Invite participant comments and questions.


  • What relevance does the Unitarian/Trinitarian debate have for Unitarian Universalists today?
  • Have you ever had occasion to explain the word "Unitarian" to someone? How might knowing the history of the term be helpful?