Handout 2: Who Is Welcome in Our Congregations
From Weaving the Fabric of Diversity, by Jacqui James and Judith A. Frediani (Boston: UUA, 1996).
Complete this survey twice—once for the "Me" column and once for the "My Congregation" column. You will not be asked to share your responses.
1. Starting with the "Me" column, write the letter (T, M, or B from the key below) that best describes your reaction to each person listed.
T (top) = people you would really like to have in your congregation; people you would sit and talk with
M (middle) = people you might like to see, but you're not sure
B (bottom) = people you would not like to have join your congregation; people you would not sit and talk with
2. Using the "My Congregation" column, write the letter (T, M, or B) that best describes how your congregation would respond to each of the people listed.
Me |
My congregation |
Elderly single male |
Elderly single female |
Interracial couple |
Ex-convict |
Extremely overweight person |
Person with noticeable hygiene problem |
Person who sings in a loud monotone |
Articulate, well educated Caucasian male |
Articulate, well educated Caucasian female |
Heterosexual with children |
Caucasian blue-collar male |
Caucasian blue-collar female |
Unemployed person |
Person on public assistance |
Single person under 30 |
Person with a European accent |
Person with non-European accent |
Person who wears fur coats |
Native American |
African American |
Latino/a |
Asian American |
Arab American |
Person who uses a wheelchair |
Gay male |
Lesbian |
Person who is bisexual |
Transgender person |
Gay couple |
Lesbian couple |
Person with severe physical deformity |
Person with alcohol on their breath |
Emotionally disturbed person with unpredictable behavior |
Person with a neuromuscular disorder (Cerebral Palsy, Tourette Syndrome, etc) |
Smoker |
Political/social liberal |
Political/social conservative |
Homeless person |
Person testing HIV positive |
Recovering sex addict |
Vegetarian |
Atheist |