Taking It Home
Where our treasure is, there our heart be also. And where our heart is there will be our reason and our premises. — James Luther Adams
Writing in their 2005 publication, Engaging Our Theological Diversity, the UUA's Commission on Appraisal reported on the response to a statement in their theology questionnaire, "We are committed to the use of reason to interpret our experience and to form and test our religious convictions." Ninety percent of those who responded considered reason "important." Combining this response with others about what is at the core of individuals' and congregations' faith led the Commission authors to conclude, "Discovering a 'reasonable' faith has been life-changing for some; for others (especially many who grew up UU), disciplined inquiry is taken for granted as a way of life."
What about you? What role does reason play in your faith life? Is it at the core? One among several important aspects? Have you ever negatively experienced reason in connection with your life as a Unitarian Universalist?
Reflect on these questions in your journal, or invite conversation with family members and friends.