Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Faith Like a River: A Program on Unitarian Universalist History for Adults

Taking It Home: The Seven Seas: Globalization

The best religionists are broad instead of bigoted, and they are open and compassionate and kind. In a town and in the world they build bridges more than walls or fences or moats.

—Dana McLean Greeley

Does your congregation already have a connection to one of the global Unitarian Universalist communities explored in this workshop? If so, find out more about the relationship and how you can become a part of it. Or, choose one of the Unitarian Universalist communities from Activity 3, or one of the international organizations from Alternate Activity 1, and investigate it. Is this an organization that you could individually support with your time, talent, or treasure or encourage your congregation to support?

Read about then-UUA president William Sinkford's 2008 pilgrimage to Africa, visiting some of Unitarian Universalist communities there. You can find photos, videos, and written reflections from the pilgrimage group in a blog from the pilgrimage.